Luck stat seems a bit to strong, can quickly lead to basicly endless free upgrades I had 0 powerups unlocked and "beat" the game on my second attempt using thi
I think it allows for more chest's drop, more items in chests and more gold in chests too. I constantly had 5 chests to open from the 15 minutes mark with 100 luck (played with x2 ennemies).
i dont know but you certianly have to play for quite a bit to come to the end if there is one and with a bit i mean hours if you arent a speedrunner or just really really good at games since this can be pretty difficult
around 30 min the final boss spawns, you can continue for endless but after that the game lags so bad that the enemies don't take every hit you deal and 1 shot you and won't die from the revive 1 shot nuke
At 30 minutes you get a last boss, if you kill it you have the option to exit or go endless. Generally if you reach the 30 minutes mark you are so over powered that it is better to restart a game (continuing can cause lag because your attack speed is too high for example).
The lifetime of the game (buying all characters/upgrades) is currently around 3 to 4 hours for new players imo. On the last update I "finished" the game in 2h approximatly). I did 4 runs to completly max everything.
you should make a discord server for this game and it would be nice to be able to click an info thing on the corner of the ability cards so you can see what happens on each level of them and a bit more info and stats bc i havent used the tornado more than once since it said it slows down enemies and then i thought it probably dont do much damage but now i saw someone elses picture with like uhhh 6? tornados that looked really cool and probably does lots of damage and a tip if you want people to use the actual good ones make them look a bit more cool like the molotov probably good but doesnt look like its very good
got a really good run with 2x monsters really didnt think it would be easier with extra monster but it lagged a TON by all the monsters and xp things and attacks
i love this game i dont care that it might be a ripoff of another game or that is a ripoff of this idk but i like this game more out of this and that game so pls continue updating it oh and also add a necromancer and add one upgrade for each of the characters so you can upgrade their attacks not like damage but like give it upgrades like for the farmer maybe you can make the chicken faster, bigger or just hit more enemies and for the necromancer i thought of it would be good if you could upgrade the class of the necromanced things
I really like this has huge potential to become a close contestant to the original Magic survival.... the only critic point i have, is the control on desktop.... if you could implement a mouse control like Vampire survivours i would enjoy to play this on desktop....the android version is awesome but because i dont have the newest phone it gets really laggy in the mid- and endgame.... cause of that i would like to play this on desktop.
The interface for Achievement might cause misunderstanding. I did not find that red "X" at first glance. Instead, I clicked "Quit" and had to refresh the game. ha
Revivals still don't work. I always leave that upgrade to the last. Maybe it could be the reason?
I mean, could it be "no revival would be triggered until you upgrade and turn the flag on?" just guessing.
also glad to see more people interested in your game. I mean look at all the asking to be your partner for the Chinese version. nice.
if the speed is gonna be able to go all the way to 5x, we need a slider so the game can be slowed down when needed. Often when I fight a boss, I slow down the game so I can dodge their attacks.
well i made it to an hour, the spears never stop and the forward swings also dont stop, i have to restart manually because i can't die even if standing still. LOL
I mean, he is the grim reaper. The red ones do it too, but a little less aggressively. Freeze effects seem to do a pretty good job of preventing it, and revives or having enough max hp to tank one hit helps, too.
Could keyboard controls for selecting a level/chest upgrade be implemented? like arrow keys left and right and down (for reroll) and space for confirm selection?
The boss 30, Pumpking, might be the reason. It has really outstanding pushing power and one creepy special move, which might force your character into the area out of the border.
There's a chance to be pushed back again by the boss. Or just try raising the move speed over 30. You would soon break the border by yourself.
Then you are using the wrong strategy. You need a very high level to get to the point where bosses stop killing you fast. There are more then one method to do this. Try increasing the luck attribute and watch what happens.
Tornado+Fire Nova worked for me. Freezing effects seem to block their teleports and since Death has relatively little hp that gives plenty of time to kill them.
If you are having trouble, though, I'd recommend littering an area with the screen wipe (and maybe freeze) power-up and then grabbing them all when the bosses spawn. I did this to help me out with my second run to Vengeful, but it should work on Death, too.
The other commenter's comment about Luck is probably referring to how the Luck stat is completely OP and not only directly multiplies all XP you get, but also makes chests more likely to spawn, and makes it more likely the chests have more items in them, even boss chests, as well as more likely wood chests are metal instead. This is particularly a big deal because of the shuriken item you can get from metal chests that shoots a piercing shuriken for each copy of the item you have, *each* dealing 300 damage times the number of copies that you have, every time you open a chest.
- Reducing the amount of spawning chests to a minimun. So the player has to use luck, upgrade powerups or (the best way) increasing the difficulty by selecting the a harder map or selecting some modifiers. Harder maps should not spawn more chests but drop more gold.
- it is ok to get overpowered on one map. Maps should be used to increase the difficulty (enemies with more health/ressistance/ abillities / ...) So if you get overpowered on map1 you would go to map2 and get slamed in the face but get more gold to upgrade. Maps where you are overpowerd would not get you enough gold to upgrade your powerups.
- the performance of the game is not at the point where the modifications should alter the spawnrate. Modifications should increase the difficulty with some benefits like:
1. Enemies have XY more HP but the amount of gold increases by XY
2.Harder enemies spawn XY min earlier but you get higher XP drops ...
3.You can only choose between 2 upgrades (or 1) when leveling up but get ... increased
Possible progressroute:
O Get overpowered in map1
O select modifieres (map1) to get more gold to upgrade powerups further
Onow you are strong enough to try map2 (its harder and get you more gold then map1 with some modifiers)
O get overpowered in map2
O ...
- before you select a map ther are informations about it like difficulty (easy, medium, hard, nightmare, impossible, ...)
I tried it out and found it difficult to get gold chests in the early stages, so I thought it would be easier for new players to have an easier source of gold to buy powerups.
get 6 choices when the red ruby item gets you too much exp. Only happens once and it needs a huge amount of exp collected at once. kinda nice "feature".
There is a bug when playing with the new modification (2x enemies). The first boss spawns at the start of the game. At 5.00 min only the eyes get spawned. Also bosses are overlapping
Increases in the luck stat shouldn't change the ratio between blue chests & brown chests dropped. I noticed that when I got my luck above 70 in the late game that I stopped getting brown chests and had to quit cause I wasn't making any gold.
First, I like the effort you are putting into this game. I really enoy playing this game.
Stuff I found: - items from chest disapearing when spawning in a wall / object - Slime boss only killable via item that flashes the entire screen. (need around 30+ of those) - Huge lag if you see beyond arena on the dungeon map
I like the idea of modifieres to increase the difficulty. I think right know they make it far easier. Luck is getting gamebreaking while both modifiers are active. By getting around 30 luck at 14 min the game turns into a "grab the next chest and get op fast" game.
With this method I managed to kill the end boss in 4sec, gathered arround 50k gold and reached lvl 112. I also killed the endboss in the dungeon in less than 10 sec with a new account (no upgrades)
Although I couldn't clear the jungle stage without any upgrade, your strategy did earn me enough gold to do a couple of upgrade through merely one game in the dungeon.
From then on, it is just to overpower everything.
Those who think the game being too hard really should try this, since it might soon be nerfed.
← Return to game
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fire nova does not work? ):
I'm crying rn, I just got arbelist and was testing it out but then the game broke and since it didn't save, I lost everything
Same here
ye luck stat is really strong
I think it allows for more chest's drop, more items in chests and more gold in chests too. I constantly had 5 chests to open from the 15 minutes mark with 100 luck (played with x2 ennemies).
is this endless?
i dont know but you certianly have to play for quite a bit to come to the end if there is one and with a bit i mean hours if you arent a speedrunner or just really really good at games since this can be pretty difficult
around 30 min the final boss spawns, you can continue for endless but after that the game lags so bad that the enemies don't take every hit you deal and 1 shot you and won't die from the revive 1 shot nuke
I would recommend the full game
im using chromebook usually
At 30 minutes you get a last boss, if you kill it you have the option to exit or go endless. Generally if you reach the 30 minutes mark you are so over powered that it is better to restart a game (continuing can cause lag because your attack speed is too high for example).
The lifetime of the game (buying all characters/upgrades) is currently around 3 to 4 hours for new players imo. On the last update I "finished" the game in 2h approximatly). I did 4 runs to completly max everything.
you should make a discord server for this game and it would be nice to be able to click an info thing on the corner of the ability cards so you can see what happens on each level of them and a bit more info and stats bc i havent used the tornado more than once since it said it slows down enemies and then i thought it probably dont do much damage but now i saw someone elses picture with like uhhh 6? tornados that looked really cool and probably does lots of damage and a tip if you want people to use the actual good ones make them look a bit more cool like the molotov probably good but doesnt look like its very good
got a really good run with 2x monsters really didnt think it would be easier with extra monster but it lagged a TON by all the monsters and xp things and attacks
i love this game i dont care that it might be a ripoff of another game or that is a ripoff of this idk but i like this game more out of this and that game so pls continue updating it oh and also add a necromancer and add one upgrade for each of the characters so you can upgrade their attacks not like damage but like give it upgrades like for the farmer maybe you can make the chicken faster, bigger or just hit more enemies and for the necromancer i thought of it would be good if you could upgrade the class of the necromanced things
this inst a ripoff fucktard the description clearly says this was inspired
well sry for not reading the description and you dont have to be such a douchebag about it its not like i was saying i liked the original one more
Do you know about our lord and savior Samuel Rodriguez a.k.a. Jetstream Sam
I really like this has huge potential to become a close contestant to the original Magic survival.... the only critic point i have, is the control on desktop.... if you could implement a mouse control like Vampire survivours i would enjoy to play this on desktop....the android version is awesome but because i dont have the newest phone it gets really laggy in the mid- and endgame.... cause of that i would like to play this on desktop.
oh yeah, the mobile version has a joystick control, it would be nice to implement something that would allow that control on the desktop as well.
I bet the people who bought vampire survivors on STeam are already crying in the bathroom...
Can i have your contact information,We would like to have cooperative your games on Chinese channels
idea what is you can add character tier upgrades, so the majority of characters and you need a decent amount of gold to level up a tier
when upgrading bubbles from lvl 5 to 6, it says "C cle + 2
What were all the ability combos again???
Owning both TNT and Bubble gives explosive bubbles, which might come from "Soft & Wet: Go Beyond."
That's the only combo IIRC.
For all other upgradable weapons, you'll have to get the relative upgrade items from a boss chest.
molotov + green - molotov + fire - shuriken + bronze gloves - ice sword + icesword plus - Boom + Bubble - Star rain + Ice - Ice + Thunder
what. the formatting of your comment is difficult to understand
Thanks for the info. I tried some of them except for the upgradable ones. Here is what I found:
Ice + Thunder: extra Thundering in the icy field.
Star rain + Ice: Star rain with freezing debuff.
molotov + fire: ???
If I got anything wrong, please share your finding, too. ty
try v0.9.8 :D
glad to see the little giant issue solved.
The interface for Achievement might cause misunderstanding. I did not find that red "X" at first glance. Instead, I clicked "Quit" and had to refresh the game. ha
Revivals still don't work.
I always leave that upgrade to the last. Maybe it could be the reason? I mean, could it be "no revival would be triggered until you upgrade and turn the flag on?" just guessing.
also glad to see more people interested in your game. I mean look at all the asking to be your partner for the Chinese version. nice.
i fixed it, tks
I didn't even know this game had ability combos, I thought there was only certain collectible upgrades for certain items.
1. Revivals didn't work.
2. When giant enemies die, one of the newly spawns of the same race seems to "inherit" the status from the giant one, but in normal size.
It is more threatening since you can't figure them out from the appearance, not mentioning the extra speed and strength.
tried about 20 times to finish the dungeon with no upgrade.
3. Fire Nova is not as handy as expected, It blocks the field of view after upgraded. And it's even worse with dual swords.
4. The farmer might be giving too many chicken. It's a lil bit lagging at high lv.
5. In the jungle, sometimes a group of enemies will suddenly fly to the character.
Is there any easier way to update the game? or do i have to keep reinstalling the new versions
you are stupid or something you idiot. i bet you are a fat loser 0 bitch looking ass.
bro you are so stupid for roasting yourself
-not from waloogi
penis - waloogi
would you be able to make it so that the magnet can affect chests
I think opening chest is more difficult when monsters are crowded is also a challenge :V
It would be gamebreaking if this is a think :D
maybe you should get a magnet to atract some bitches
Will the future version of @manlu be able to do Chinese? I can translate, but it's not smooth, I don't know what it is...
That is my future intention, but at the moment there is no official English translation, because I use google translate.
How exactly does luck affect parts of the game
Affects chest opening rate 3.5. Affects red and green exp output rate
if the speed is gonna be able to go all the way to 5x, we need a slider so the game can be slowed down when needed. Often when I fight a boss, I slow down the game so I can dodge their attacks.
Google play version still remains 0.9.5.(T_T)
I will update it soon
Is there a way to keep my progress from v0.9.6.5 and bring it to v0.9.7?
download pc version :v
well i made it to an hour, the spears never stop and the forward swings also dont stop, i have to restart manually because i can't die even if standing still. LOL
sometimes when i get a revive and die it doesn't give me the option to revive
I also had encountered this problem before. dunno why but the revival item does not function normally sometimes.
It might have been there for a couple versions. never reported myself.
The grim reaper boss sometimes reappears right in front of you, killing you instantly.
Agreed -.-
I mean, he is the grim reaper. The red ones do it too, but a little less aggressively. Freeze effects seem to do a pretty good job of preventing it, and revives or having enough max hp to tank one hit helps, too.
possibly dumb question, but does the attack speed & attack strength upgrade only affect your default attack or all your attacks?
Only affects base attack speed
only your default (i.e. sword, knives, arrows, grenades, magic staff, etc.)
Could keyboard controls for selecting a level/chest upgrade be implemented? like arrow keys left and right and down (for reroll) and space for confirm selection?
I will add it soon
can you make a feature where you can export saves on the online version?
or a hardsave feature on the app version, I have two 'saves' going rn on two different pcs, just testing what power ups to get first lol
Two things:
1: I got pushed out of the map by hundreds of enemies pushing at the same time and can't get back in.
2: I'm afk on the hardest possible settings.
The boss 30, Pumpking, might be the reason.
It has really outstanding pushing power and one creepy special move, which might force your character into the area out of the border.
There's a chance to be pushed back again by the boss. Or just try raising the move speed over 30. You would soon break the border by yourself.
Honestly even at 10 speed I feel like clipping seems pretty likely.
Just a question, what's the counterplay to 2x Death boss? I just get 1shot even when I feel like I've stacked max hp and armor to a reasonable degree.
Then you are using the wrong strategy. You need a very high level to get to the point where bosses stop killing you fast. There are more then one method to do this. Try increasing the luck attribute and watch what happens.
What level should I be at 15 minutes to not get 1shot? I just got to lvl 55 and still died instantly
Tornado+Fire Nova worked for me. Freezing effects seem to block their teleports and since Death has relatively little hp that gives plenty of time to kill them.
If you are having trouble, though, I'd recommend littering an area with the screen wipe (and maybe freeze) power-up and then grabbing them all when the bosses spawn. I did this to help me out with my second run to Vengeful, but it should work on Death, too.
The other commenter's comment about Luck is probably referring to how the Luck stat is completely OP and not only directly multiplies all XP you get, but also makes chests more likely to spawn, and makes it more likely the chests have more items in them, even boss chests, as well as more likely wood chests are metal instead. This is particularly a big deal because of the shuriken item you can get from metal chests that shoots a piercing shuriken for each copy of the item you have, *each* dealing 300 damage times the number of copies that you have, every time you open a chest.
bug: when I got god rays or whatever their called the white flash never went away
and when I get close to the area it rapidly flashes
and rapidly repeated the sound until I got it again in which the cycle repeats
and then it fixed itself, sorry for the long reply chain
One suggestion I have is a upgrade that gives you a map, and it shows chests when leveled up.
Some ideas I come up with:
- Reducing the amount of spawning chests to a minimun. So the player has to use luck, upgrade powerups or (the best way) increasing the difficulty by selecting the a harder map or selecting some modifiers. Harder maps should not spawn more chests but drop more gold.
- it is ok to get overpowered on one map. Maps should be used to increase the difficulty (enemies with more health/ressistance/ abillities / ...) So if you get overpowered on map1 you would go to map2 and get slamed in the face but get more gold to upgrade. Maps where you are overpowerd would not get you enough gold to upgrade your powerups.
- the performance of the game is not at the point where the modifications should alter the spawnrate. Modifications should increase the difficulty with some benefits like:
1. Enemies have XY more HP but the amount of gold increases by XY
2.Harder enemies spawn XY min earlier but you get higher XP drops ...
3.You can only choose between 2 upgrades (or 1) when leveling up but get ... increased
Possible progressroute:
O Get overpowered in map1
O select modifieres (map1) to get more gold to upgrade powerups further
Onow you are strong enough to try map2 (its harder and get you more gold then map1 with some modifiers)
O get overpowered in map2
O ...
- before you select a map ther are informations about it like difficulty (easy, medium, hard, nightmare, impossible, ...)
I'm adding a way to get gold directly into the skill card to make it easier for players to get gold
I think thats not neccessary right now. You get spammed with gold by increasing the luck attribute.
Luck only affects exp and chest opening rate.
oh, nice to know ^^. Does luck increase the chance of getting a gold chest with triple gold drop?
that's also a good idea, in the next patch i will try to let luck affect the gold chest
In x2 monster mode, because the number of monsters spawns quickly, the chance to drop the chest is also higher
I tried it out and found it difficult to get gold chests in the early stages, so I thought it would be easier for new players to have an easier source of gold to buy powerups.
Never thought this way. Sounds like a good idea.
There is a bug when playing with the new modification (2x enemies). Only one endboss needs to be killed to finish the game
Thanks t will fix it soon
get 6 choices when the red ruby item gets you too much exp. Only happens once and it needs a huge amount of exp collected at once. kinda nice "feature".
There is a bug when playing with the new modification (2x enemies). The first boss spawns at the start of the game. At 5.00 min only the eyes get spawned. Also bosses are overlapping
possible bug, I picked up a revive from a chest, but when I died I didn't get the option to revive.
Increases in the luck stat shouldn't change the ratio between blue chests & brown chests dropped. I noticed that when I got my luck above 70 in the late game that I stopped getting brown chests and had to quit cause I wasn't making any gold.
First, I like the effort you are putting into this game. I really enoy playing this game.
Stuff I found:
- items from chest disapearing when spawning in a wall / object
- Slime boss only killable via item that flashes the entire screen. (need around 30+ of those)
- Huge lag if you see beyond arena on the dungeon map
I like the idea of modifieres to increase the difficulty. I think right know they make it far easier. Luck is getting gamebreaking while both modifiers are active. By getting around 30 luck at 14 min the game turns into a "grab the next chest and get op fast" game.

With this method I managed to kill the end boss in 4sec, gathered arround 50k gold and reached lvl 112. I also killed the endboss in the dungeon in less than 10 sec with a new account (no upgrades)
Thanks for playing and commenting, I'm still trying to balance the game. however this is quite difficult.
Dude, that pure-luck strategy is just incredible.
Although I couldn't clear the jungle stage without any upgrade, your strategy did earn me enough gold to do a couple of upgrade through merely one game in the dungeon.
From then on, it is just to overpower everything.
Those who think the game being too hard really should try this, since it might soon be nerfed.
Yeah I spent 20 mins trying to kill slimo just now and It was annoying. he doesn't do any damage late game and Is just a minor annoyance.